Jumat, 30 Mei 2008

Minder in English

Hello everybody,

Watching you all practice to speak english, make me a little bit "minder". Here, we are pushed to write, not speak, so our mistakes will be very easy to be seen. But anyway, this is a very good chance to practice. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

I have a funny experience in speaking english with japanese. Speaking english in a non-english speaking country, makes me look "more" than the other, eventhough I swear that my english is still very poor.

Sometimes, my japanese friend ask me if they get trouble with their english. Someday, someone ask : Ikawati-san, what is the meaning of "erection" ?

"What ?!" I was shocked of asked that question.

"What is the meaning of "erection" ? he replied.

"please give me a longer sentence for example" I asked.

Then he replied," Government held a general "erection".. bla..bla..."

Woow.... that's not "erection", but election. ha..ha..

So, we are lucky to be able to pronounce better than japanese.

That's small mistake, but has very different meaning.

Posting by Zullies Ikawati, 13 September 1999

2 komentar:

Herik mengatakan...

its good story, it was happened to me ago, but with difference story but with the same point, that is Miss communication, lol

Herik mengatakan...
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